ADSHE South Wales & Midlands regional Group Meeting

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ADSHE South Wales & Midlands regional Group Meeting, Friday 8th December 2023  
Cost:  £40 per ticket

Venue:  Online via Teams

Open to all members



An invitation to the ADSHE South Wales and Midlands region Group Meeting

with Accredited CPD

Date: Friday 8th of December 2023

Team link: To be provided

Time: 10am to 14:00 plus PPS 14.00 to 15.30pm




for a prompt 10am start


Welcome and regional issues


Mindfulness for ADHD Workshop

Dr Dionysios Kyropoulos and Sarah Myhill

(1.5hs accredited CPD)




ADSHE Professional Peer Supervision ® 

Dr Karisa Krcmar

(1h accredited CPD)


PPS (optional) to be facilitated on the day



The first presentation will be a workshop on how best to guide students with ADHD to make the most of mindfulness meditation as a tool for supporting their academic studies.  This workshop, delivered by Dr Dionysios Kyropoulos and Sarah Myhill, will include an introduction to mindfulness, understanding its theoretical and practical aspects, strategies, a guided practice session and a Q&A session.
Following a break for lunch, the afternoon session will be led by Dr Karisa Krcmar, looking at ADSHE Professional Peer Supervision ® exploring the background, some rules and principles and top tips to help you in your reflective practice.
Also offering an optional PPS session 

2.5 hours ADSHE Accredited CPD plus 1 PPS session