BY the members, FOR the members

ADSHE is the only professional body that specifically and exclusively addresses the Higher Education context. Membership open to Specialist 1:1 Tutors, Assessors, Assistive Technology Trainers, Needs Assessors, managers, co-ordinators of disability services, and other interested parties, including students.

ADSHE offers:

  • Low membership fees
  • Representation of the teaching and learning of students with Specific Learning Differences in HE at the highest level including DSSG, SASC, and the Department for Education
  • QA status portfolio and CPD opportunities, which are practical and meaningful; as one member who has been through the 3-year QA cycle commented: “I found the exercise incredibly useful and consolidated where I want to be in terms of my tutoring.”
  • Access to Regional Group meetings, many of which offer regular opportunities to gain ADSHE Accredited CPD
  • The Journal of Neurodivergent Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, which covers issues for specialist academic support and formal assessment
  • Reduced member rates at the ADSHE’s Online and National Conferences, with opportunities for Professional Peer Supervision®, Assistive Technology surgeries and CPD for Specialist Assessors
  • Free discussion forums which are specifically HE-focused
  • Free member-only resources on our website, and information relating to dyslexia including ADSHE’s 7-Principles® , Good Practice Guidelines and Code of Ethics.
  • Free listing on our website and QA Tutor Map for DSA-funded work, for our Professional Quality Assured Tutor members
  • Level 5 course: Teaching Students with Specific Learning Differences in FE and HE
  • Being part of a recognised professional body, which meets the DfE mandatory auditing requirements

Please note: Professional Peer Supervision® and 7-Principles® are registered trademarks of ADSHE Ltd.

As a member, you are required to abide by ADSHE’s Code of Ethics

ADSHE Professional QA Tutor Membership Handbook (April 2020)

ADSHE Professional QA Tutor Membership means that you are professionally qualified and your practice is Quality Assured by ADSHE, the leading professional body for neurodivergent students in HE. Once registered, you will be assigned an ADSHE QA number unique to you, and your name will be recorded on ADSHE’s Professional QA Register.

Membership types

Professional QA Tutor


Professional Assessor


Affiliate Member


Student Member


Retired Member


ADSHE Alumni


Honorary Life Member


Join ADSHE and make a difference – BY the members, FOR the members.